Keep pace with times and engage in Exploitation and Innovation.


Keep pace with times and engage in Exploitation and Innovation.


Keep pace with times and engage in Exploitation and Innovation.


1988- Founded as "Hainan Qionggang Qingqi Motorcycle Development Co., Ltd." and started its business in motorcycle manufacturing.
1992- Restructured into a joint-stock enterprise.
1994- Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange
2005- Changed name to "SUNDIROHOLDING Co., Ltd.
2006- Completed the acquisition of the state-owned shares of WUJIU Coal Group Co., Ltd. and began to devote ourselves to the coal energy industry.
2012- Jointly reorganized WUJIU Coal Group Co., Ltd. with ZAOZHUANG Mining Group Co., Ltd, and committed to building WUJIU Coal Group Co., Ltd. into a high-yield, high-efficiency, and green development high-quality coal production base.
2016- Accelerated the adjustment of industrial structure, carried out business transformation and development, started to enter the beef industry, and completed the acquisition of assets of Uruguay beef slaughtering and processing plant.
NOW- We mainly engaged in coal and beef industry, with total assets of nearly 3 billion yuan and more than 3,000 employees.

SUNDIROHOLDING" will adhere to the business philosophy of "pioneering, innovating and creating", constantly improve the core competence of the enterprise, build a new career vision, keep pace with the times, blaze new trails, and repay shareholders and society.



Coal Mining

SUNDIROHOLDING has business in Asia / Europe / Australia / America / Central and South America, covering meat processing, international trade, aviation manufacturing, coal mining, equity investment and many other industries.


Aviation Manufacturing

SUNDIROHOLDING has business in Asia / Europe / Australia / America / Central and South America, covering meat processing, international trade, aviation manufacturing, coal mining, equity investment and many other industries.

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